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Thursday, February 9, 2012

How to connect Windows Remote Desktop from Linux Step by Step

Connecting Windows Remote Desktop from Linux

If you are running Centos (Linux system) and wanted to connect Remote windows system from CentOS then you have to install rdesktop Remote Desktop Client. Using rdesktop you can easily connect Windows system from Linux. rdesktop is an open source client for Microsoft's RDP protocol. It work with Windows NT 4 Terminal Server,2000, XP, 2003, 2003 R2, Vista, 2008, 7, and 2008 R2. And it support RDP Version 4 and 5.

Installing rdesktop:-

You can download package go to  as per your distribution. Or you can install rdesktop from repository :-

For CentOS/RedHat:-

# yum install rdesktop

For Ubuntu:-

# apt-get install rdesktop

After that you are ready to access Windows Remote Desktop from terminal with following command. For more help use man command (man rdesktop)

# rdesktop <Server Name OR IP Address>


# rdesktop 192.168.125