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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

how to create multiple users in active directory using dsadd command

Create OU, Group, Users in Active Directory Domain.

There are some limitation when creating the user account using net user command like if you want to create in different OU or you want to assign the user that are in different group member ship . There is the other command that can be able to do all this requirement this is dsadd user command. Using dsadd user you can able to create user in particular OU with other group membership .

         Using help of excel file you can do batch file to create multiple user with different settings .

Create excel file like this:- Useradd_sample

Now field the data in file you want to implement in particular sheet like
OU name,
Group name,
user information like user name , password and other settings.,
home directory etc.

Sample file:- useradd_script.xls  

Now Crate batch fill as :- 

Running Batch files.

Now run these file like these step first run Crate_OU.bat then Create_Group.bat then Create_home.bat

than Create_users.bat , then Set_Permission.bat and at last run Set_Profile.bat

This will create users automated in particular OU, Group and profile setting and also set permission to home directory

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