Installing Proftpd Server on CentOS (Linux)
Proftpd is the Highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server
software .it is an enhanced, secure and highly configurable FTP server. Its
configuration syntax is very similar to apache web server. You can know more
information from .
Download proftpd rpm package from and install with rpm –ivh <Package name>.rpm
If you want to install using yum then add repository and then install proftpd server
# cd
# wget
# rpm --import
# wget
# rpm --import
# Vi /etc/yum.repos.d/ kbsingh-CentOS-Extras.repo
Set both enable=1
# yum clean all
# yum update all
Now install Proftpd
# yum install proftpd
Now your ftp server is ready to functional with default
configuration but you should check following values for your Basic ftp
server in /etc/proftpd.conf configuration file
Server Name, Server Type and Port
Now start proftpd and set on for startup
# service proftpd start
# chkconfig proftpd on
Check running process for proftpd
# ps -ef | grep proftpd
nobody 4463 1 0
23:35 ? 00:00:00 proftpd:
(accepting connections)
root 4470 4202 0
23:36 pts/2 00:00:00 grep proftpd
OR you can verify whether your FTP server is running using:
# netstat -an | grep -F tcp | grep -F LISTEN | grep -F 21
tcp 0 0 :::21 :::* LISTEN
Now when you try to connect ftp server it will be ask you
for your name and password type valid user name and password as per /etc/passwd
file . it will take you home directory of that user.
Anonymous FTP Server :-
If you wanted Anonymous
access uncomment Anonymous directive. Or you can add following in /etc/proftpd.conf file
# vi /etc/proftpd.conf
<Anonymous /var/ftp/pub>
AnonRequirePassword off
User ftp
Group ftp
RequireValidShell off
<Directory *>
Note: - user and group must be valid
verify configuration :-
# proftpd –t6
If it not given any error then reload configuration
# service proftpd reload
Now if you try to access FTP server it will not ask you any
password and show you contain of /var/ftp/pub directory.
If you wanted to allow user to upload data then in Limit
WRITE directive change it AllowAll.
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