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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How to Map (Mount) NFS Share in Windows

If you wanted to use Linux NFS Share from Windows system to mount as drive. You can do it using mount command for that you need to install NFS Client for windows.

Installing NFS Client :-

If you are windows7 , Vistra, or Windows 2008 user then you can install NFS Client from Add/Remove Software wizard in the Control Panel.

If you are Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Service Pack 3, Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP user then you can download client from following location.

And the select Finish

After installation check if NFS service is running or not from service MMC

Start -> Run -> Services.msc

If require service is running on your system you can now Map (Mount) NFS share from command line using mount command:

mount servername:\Share_Name Drive_Letter

For Example: your server name is FileServer and you have NFS export /home/share and you wanted map this drive as Z: in your My computer, then command look like this:

Start -> Run -> CMD -> OK -> Mount FileServer:\home\share Z:

Mount FileServer:\home\share Z:

It will map your NFS Share in your system and it ready to access as disk drive from you my computer.

Note:- If your NFS share required Authentication you can provide it with mount command.