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Friday, January 28, 2011

How to Create Simple FTP Server (anonymous ftp server) in Windows

How to Create Simple FTP Server (anonymous ftp server) in Windows 

Hello Friends,
Today I will show you a simple FTP server in Windows .

FTP or File Transfer Protocol is a method to transfer files from one computer to another. It can be also used for regular update or backup of your web servers. from remotely. You can download and upload your web pages from and to your FTP Client - Server Application. But for now I will show you a Simple FTP server that not required any authentication a Simple Anonymous ftp server to access publicly . Later post I will show you how to secure your FTP server by asking User name and Password from the User. On both OS on Windows and Linux also.

        First I will show you How to Configure FTP on Windows Server. 

In Windows FTP is available in IIS so for FTP server installation you required install IIS from Add Remove    Program to open Add Remove Program go to Start - Click on Run Option and type appwiz.cpl and Click OK. It will be open Add Remove program on your system. Then Click on Add Remove Windows Components then the select Internet Information service (IIS ) then Click Detail in Detail Component page of IIS select File Transfer Protocol  (FTP) Service by clicking on check box.  It will be also select Internet Information Service Snap-in and common files automatically .Then Click OK. Your Server will ask you for the Operating System CD to insert. Insert the windows server operating system CD disk on CD Drive and click next and then Finish.
     After FTP service installed we need to create FTP site From Internet Information Service (IIS) Snap-in MMC console . First we need to Create Root (Home) Directory for FTP so Create New Directory on D Drive or Where you want as Ftproot . Then open MMC console by Click on Star then go to Administrative Tool then select Internet Information Service (IIS)Snap-in. It will open IIS MMC Console.Now Click + sing then click Select FTP and Right Click select New FTP Site . It will run a Wizard for Creating New FTP site follow the instruction Give the Name and  Description to your FTP site then Click Next it will ask for IP address and port number leave it default and click next 

Then the Wizard will ask you for Isolate mode option Select the default option Do not isolate user (I will explain later what is the isolate user in FTP when Securing the FTP server on my next post ) 
Then it will ask you for Root (Home) Directory for FTP site Point the FTP Root to the Directory we had just created that is D:\Ftproot then it will ask you what permission you want to give menace anonymoust user can able to only download the file or he can also able to upload the file on the server . Read means he can download and Write means he can upload the file on server. I Recommended only Download because write permission will give risk of virus infection to the server. so Select only read permission and the click next. it will show you summary of what you have selected if you want to change the option Select back else select Finish. Now your First FTP site will appear in IIS MMC console under FTP container. now you can try it by accessing your FTP server from Client Computer and using Internet Explorer or Any browser and typing the usr as

It will open your FTP Site and you can download the file from your ftp server for backup or for transfer . To allow this FTP server accessible from internet you have to register your domain name and then point your domain name to particular Public IP Address and NAT that Public Address to your FTP server so that Internet your can access your FTP server from Word Wide. For Example you can use to access your FTP site.   

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