Step by Step how to type in Marathi in Windows 7
In windows 7 you can type and save your document in Marathi without installing any third party software. You can do this by adding Marathi support in your windows 7. Do the following step to install (enabled ) support for Marathi typing.
Go to Start and select control Panel. It will open new windows of Control Panel.
In Control Panel select Region and Language option
Then select Change Keyboards button in Region and Language windows.
This will open one child window of Text Services and Input Languages. In the windows of Text Services and Input Languages in General tab select Add button in Installed services option to install supported language in our case Marathi.
In the list select Marathi (India) and in keyboard select keyboard as Devanagari and/or Marathi and select OK button to add input language.
Then select Apply button then OK to close the windows and then close all the open windows. Now Marathi keyboard is enabled on your system. you can now type in Marathi by selecting language and kayboard layout from language bar at bottom on taskbar.
Now open any word file or notepad select MA from language bar and type in your own language (Marathi) :-)
If you are not familiar with Marathi keyboard as me use on-screen keyboard.
To open on-Screen windows just simply type on-screen keyboard in Start> search program and file box and then select on-screen keyboard. this will open on-screen keyboard
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